Search for tag: "accelerator rap"

ARap! Lead User Innovation (The Gaynor Minden Case)

Animated music video that highlights Eric von Hippel's Lead User Innovation concept; features the Gaynor Minden case. <2 minutes total run time. More Accelerator Rap! at The Cape at Penn…

From  Betsy Campbell 1 likes 198 plays 0  

ARap! Conversational Competencies ("Talk to me like founders do")

Animated music video that highlights the conversational skills associated with innovative entrepreneurial teams as described in the 2019 book, The Innovator's Discussion: The Conversational…

From  Betsy Campbell 2 likes 94 plays 0  

ARap! Lean Startup

Animated music video that highlights the build-measure-learn cycle associated with the lean startup process as described in the 2011 book, The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries. <2 minutes total run…

From  Betsy Campbell 1 likes 161 plays