13:06duration 13 minutes 6 seconds
L08: Capability Based Planning (EA 871)
04:06duration 4 minutes 6 seconds
L03a: Project Schedule (IST 830)
04:04duration 4 minutes 4 seconds
ACCTG 802 Module 10 : Introduction
51:45duration 51 minutes 45 seconds
Game On!: Using Game-based Elements to Enhance…
Game On!: Using Game-based Elements to Enhance Student Learning Outcomes
Join us to learn how instructors enliven their course content by adopting elements of gamification (game-based learning) and other strategies to their course design. You will learn how instructors…
01:01:45duration 1 hour 1 minute
1.19.22 - Be Smart About Asthma Medication - K.…
1.19.22 - Be Smart About Asthma Medication - K. Lutzkanin, MD and A. Dooley, DO - Video
12:52duration 12 minutes 52 seconds
(L2:4/5)[Lecture] Laplace Transform: Linearity
Why we say Laplace Transform is linear; Example of linearity, cosh(at); A simple table of Laplace Transform; Kreysizg P206-207