48:24duration 48 minutes 24 seconds
Coral symbionts as models for the impact of…
Coral symbionts as models for the impact of symbiosis on genome evolution of intracellular eukaryotes | Raul Gonzalez-Pech, Ph.D.
Join us as Raul Gonzalez-Pech, an Eberly…
59:02duration 59 minutes 2 seconds
2020 AUG 08 Beyond the zooxanthellae, exploring…
2020 AUG 08 Beyond the zooxanthellae, exploring the diversity of coral associated microeukaryotes
Javier del Campo, University of Miami
19:13duration 19 minutes 13 seconds
Aquatic environments lecture 2 - Shallow marine…
Aquatic environments lecture 2 - Shallow marine waters & intertidal zones