Search for tag: "creativity"

Creative Assessments that Positively Affect Learning Outcomes

Joshua Parcha and Lori Reno discuss and share examples of successful implementation of creative assessments in their courses and its benefits to students achieving learning objectives.Presented…

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From  Jon Gunnell 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Everyone is an artist! A look into creativity through nature restoration

The purpose of this study is to explore the implications of nature restoration via audio soundscapes alongside the therapeutic art properties of claywork. The goal of this study is to determine…

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From  James McGlade 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Faculty to Faculty: Tried & True Teaching Strategies [Language and Literature]

Sharon Munger-Wailes, an associate teaching professor of German reflects on her experience during the pandemic and how it made her a better teacher. From implementing concepts of Universal Design for…

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From  Mona Alqahtani 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Introduction to Copyright: What Copyright Covers (part 1 of 4)

In this video, the first of four, Ana Enriquez describes what copyright covers, including what's required for getting a copyright, how long copyright lasts, and what's in the public domain.…

From  Ana Enriquez 0 likes 252 plays