07:44duration 7 minutes 44 seconds
L02b: Organizing Entities (IST 868)
03:25duration 3 minutes 25 seconds
L02e: Summary Treemap View (IST 868)
05:27duration 5 minutes 27 seconds
L01i: Attributes with Hierarchies (IST 868)
05:23duration 5 minutes 23 seconds
L01m: Stacked and Side by Side Bar Charts (IST…
L01m: Stacked and Side by Side Bar Charts (IST 868)
07:31duration 7 minutes 31 seconds
L01k: Highlight Table (IST 868)
03:35duration 3 minutes 35 seconds
Creating a WBS in Project
Direct Youtube link: https://youtu.be/HAbt5Q4-9s8 A brief demonstration of creating a Work Breakdown Structure in Microsoft Project.
42:13duration 42 minutes 13 seconds
L02: Part B: Information Visualization
This video was recorded using Zoom screen sharing "Portion of Screen" with picture profile hidden. Resolution was good. When recording exercises using Tableau, using a local…
13:36duration 13 minutes 36 seconds
M03-L01a: Intro to Inheritance and Polymorphism