Search for tag: "public"
Introduction to Copyright: Rights of Copyright Holders (part 2 of 4)In this video, the second of four, Ana Enriquez describes the rights of copyright holders, including reproduction, preparation of derivative works, distribution to the public, public performance, and…
From Ana Enriquez
168 plays
Introduction to Copyright: What Copyright Covers (part 1 of 4)In this video, the first of four, Ana Enriquez describes what copyright covers, including what's required for getting a copyright, how long copyright lasts, and what's in the public domain.…
From Ana Enriquez
321 plays
Library Research for HLSThis video covers how to access the Homeland Security Subject Guide, search strategies, and online library resources: LionSearch, Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, and the Homeland Security…
From Emily Reed
555 plays