22:06duration 22 minutes 6 seconds
BA 342: Module 1 Exam Study Guide
Zoom Recording ID: 97698699247 UUID: wRtfnMTsT7WTJLPvJA1liA== Meeting Time: 2023-02-09 03:55:53pmGMT
02:57duration 2 minutes 57 seconds
ACCTG802 Welcome Video
45:02duration 45 minutes 2 seconds
From Gen Ed To Grad School: Active Reading With…
From Gen Ed To Grad School: Active Reading With Perusall
Do you ever struggle with getting students to engage closely with readings, or talk specifically about a text? Gina and Lindsey will talk about their experience using Perusall, an online tool that…
09:58duration 9 minutes 58 seconds
L01b: Syllabus and Expectations (IST 868)
Zoom Recording ID: 96050998586 UUID: M0E0QIvySnyzwS5VV1iDKg== Meeting Time: 2022-08-09 06:05:13pm