Presenter(s): Brian Petrosky, Academic Adviser, Division of Undergraduate Studies; Dr. Ben Hellar, Research and Development Engineer, Teaching and Learning with Technology; Hannah Williams, Project…
Zoom Recording ID: 91073513017
UUID: /aJPTOoMQm+a1gFjAZA2Dw==
Meeting Time: 2023-02-27 03:42:15pmGMT
This session will introduce collaborative group work that required students to get out of their seats and participate in problem-solving activities.Presented By:Mary Ann Smith – Lecturer,…
Student mental health is an increasing concern for college campuses to grapple with, especially post-COVID. Join this session to learn how two professors spearheaded the creation of a course called…
Zoom Recording ID: 93195801780
UUID: yEQl0PzuSCu01hcVMQcsLA==
Meeting Time: 2022-03-01 03:31:04pm
Classroom Lecture
Zoom Recording
Date: Wednesday, August 11, 2021 Time: 1:00 PMFaculty will share diverse methods of engaging students in their learning through a variety of teaching methods, strategies and instruction in STEM…
Zoom Recording ID: 9632730529
UUID: UwpCulsnRzWZ3G5d79xq/Q==
Meeting Time: 2021-04-12T15:31:29Z
Zoom Recording Open Educational Resources (OER)
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Join our dean, unscripted - as he talks with one of the Department of Kinesiology’s most popular professors, Lori Gravish Hurtack. She's an assistant teaching professor, the Kinesiology…
"Acoustic Collimated Beam (ACCObeam) Source for Imaging through Attenuating Materials: Application to Borehole Integrity Monitoring"
"Impact of Salinity on Predicted Transmission Loss and Predicting Errors through Machine Learning"