Search for tag: "squares"

CCID FA23: Teaching Shapes: What, Why, and How to Start One on Your Campus

Instructors are often isolated and left to meet the challenges of teaching alone. Teaching Shapes is a peer-to-peer, formative teaching observation program that encourages community building, idea…

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From  Jon Gunnell 1 likes 4 plays 0  

Turing Machines Explained - Computerphile

Direct YouTube Video Link: Turing Machines are the basis of modern computing, but what actually is a Turing Machine? Assistant Professor Mark Jago explains. Turing…

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From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 3 plays 0  

SRA 365 - Lesson 01 - Foundational Concepts - Variability

Zoom Recording ID: 9448941937 UUID: /1gEDa96S8ODxwsgblh6Eg== Meeting Time: 2021-05-19T16:10:18Z

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From  Mahir Akgun 0 likes 384 plays 0