13:02duration 13 minutes 2 seconds
STAT 500 [L8]: Chi-Square Test and the Test of…
STAT 500 [L8]: Chi-Square Test and the Test of Two Independent Proportions
by Indrani Basak
18:58duration 18 minutes 58 seconds
STAT 500 [L8]: Chi Square Test for Independence
23:08duration 23 minutes 8 seconds
Lesson 4.4. Lesson 4 review
PHS 520
17:58duration 17 minutes 58 seconds
Tutorial 2: Video-e
23:07duration 23 minutes 7 seconds
Tutorial 2: Video-c
14:18duration 14 minutes 18 seconds
Lesson 5.3. Lesson 5 review
10:21duration 10 minutes 21 seconds
Lesson 5.2. NP test for Two Indep Samples c
15:31duration 15 minutes 31 seconds
Lesson 5.2. NP test for Two Indep Samples b
10:24duration 10 minutes 24 seconds
Lesson 5.1. NP test for Paired Samples c
22:59duration 22 minutes 59 seconds
Lesson 5.1. NP test for Paired Samples b
08:34duration 8 minutes 34 seconds
Lesson 4.3. Two Sample Test w Equal Var c
20:26duration 20 minutes 26 seconds
Lesson 4.2. Two Sample Test w Unequal Var
13:37duration 13 minutes 37 seconds
Lesson 4.1. Two Indep Samples b
15:12duration 15 minutes 12 seconds
Lesson 3.5. Lesson 3 review
14:58duration 14 minutes 58 seconds
Lesson 3.4. Paired Sample Inferences b
Lesson 3.3. Misc HT Topics b