Search for tag: "buildings"

George W. Bush’s bullhorn speech still echoes, ‘I can hear you! The rest of the world hears you’

U.S. President George W. Bush visited Ground Zero, standing with rescue workers, firefighters and police officers atop smoldering rubble of the fallen Twin Towers, giving a speech that still echoes…

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From  Filippelli Institute Group 0 likes 3 plays 0  

BA 342 Week 7.2 FA23

Zoom Recording ID: 94513833959 UUID: 3GqphEGXRt6VkHt9FzimMA== Meeting Time: 2023-09-27 05:59:16pmGMT

From  Travis Lesser 0 likes 55 plays 0  

November 2021 Finance, Business, and Capital Planning

Zoom Recording of November 11 Committee on Finance, Business, and Capital Planning

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From  Kyrie DeShong 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Safety, codes, standards, reliability - Quiz - ME 440

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From  Gary Neal 0 likes 680 plays 0