Dr. Alejandro Reyes Muños, Profesor Asociado and Director of the Biología Computacional y Ecología Microbiana (BCEM) at the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia, presents his…
Academic Research
Zoom Recording Creative Commons
None (All Rights Reserved) Open Educational Resources (OER)
Direct YouTube video link: https://youtu.be/pYXOF0jziGM Evaluating classifiers on iris data set and visualizing misclassifications.
License: GNU GPL + CC
Music by: http://www.bensound.com/…
Direct YouTube link: https://youtu.be/DvBKevrItcc
This video will walk you through merging cross-listed, DLC, or other multi-campus enrollment courses in Canvas. If you are teaching one class that has been broken up into several Canvas shells, you…
Course Material Creative Commons
CC0 Open Educational Resources (OER)