Search for tag: "front"

Doll Experiment

Two students from Georgia State University replicated an experiment from the 1940's to see if race was still seen.

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From  Filippelli Institute Group 0 likes 2 plays 0  

Proof That Computers Can't Do Everything (The Halting Problem)

Direct YouTube Video Link: If you disagree or get confused by this video, read this FAQ: Visit my home page: …

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From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Rapid Prototyping: Sketching | Google for Startups

Mariam Shaikh and Melissa Powel talk about sketching and paper prototyping. Have you ever struggled with how to get from an idea to a high fidelity prototype? Every design has to start somewhere and…

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From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 68 plays 0  

8.3: How do we ideate in design thinking?

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From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 89 plays 0  

M06-L02b: Stacks, Queues, & Checking Balanced Parentheses

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From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 99 plays 0  

CHEM 110 - Chapter 15.1 Reaction Types

Zoom Recording ID: 7763232643 UUID: lpNsmaq8SraUGGT/ZnTheA== Meeting Time: 2021-04-09T20:33:05Z

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From  Adam Herring 1 likes 830 plays 0  

Faculty to Faculty: Tried & True Teaching Strategies [Information Sciences & Technology]

Faculty to Faculty is a video series created as a collaboration between The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence and Penn State faculty. In these short videos, we asked faculty to share their…

From  Mona Alqahtani 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Faculty to Faculty: What Works in Remote Teaching? [Spanish]

Faculty to Faculty is a video series created as a collaboration between The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence and Penn State faculty. In these short videos, we asked faculty to share their…

From  Mona Alqahtani 0 likes 183 plays 0