42:05duration 42 minutes 5 seconds
BA 342 Week 5.2 FA23
Zoom Recording ID: 98736157357 UUID: zzCLdl/+S5+tpu+O0GXBTQ== Meeting Time: 2023-09-13 02:59:03pmGMT
20:32duration 20 minutes 32 seconds
Gaming can make a better world | Jane McGonigal
http://www.ted.com Games like World of Warcraft give players the means to save worlds, and incentive to learn the habits of heroes. What if we could harness this gamer power to solve real-world…
07:12duration 7 minutes 12 seconds
ACCTG 802 Module 10: Gregory v. Helvering
06:30duration 6 minutes 30 seconds
CHEM 110 - Chapter 13.5 Properties of Liquids
Zoom Recording ID: 7763232643 UUID: WT6wUFMOTW+CTdhTMdhPuA== Meeting Time: 2021-03-24T18:42:13Z