Search for tag: "populations"

The ocean as a treasure trove for novel taxa, enzymes and bioactive compounds | Shinichi Sunagawa, PhD ETH Zürich

Full title: The ocean as a treasure trove for novel taxa, enzymes and bioactive compounds. Dr. Shinichi Sunagawa, a professor at ETH Zürich presents his groundbreaking associated with the…

From  Nichole Ginnan 0 likes 1 plays 0  

2022 APR 15 Adaptation of beneficial bacteria to field soil environments

Laura Kaminsky, Penn State

From  Microbiome Center_admin 0 likes 10 plays

Dean's Lecture Series: Special Event - Missed Opportunities with COVID-19 Vaccination – Maybe it’s not too Late

Daniel Salmon, professor of international health and health, behavior and society and Director of the Institute for Vaccine Safety at Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, will…

From  Rob Peeler 0 likes 42 plays 0  

Lesson 4.2. Standardization (Part 2) [PHS550]

From  Chulapol Thanomsing 0 likes 41 plays 0  

Lesson 4.1. Standardization (Part 1) [PHS550]

From  Chulapol Thanomsing 0 likes 64 plays 0  

Lesson 1.1. What is Epidemiology [PHS550]

From  Chulapol Thanomsing 0 likes 82 plays 0