Search for tag: "productivity"

Host-Microbe Interactions in the Anthropocene | Isabelle Laforest-Lapointe, PhD, Université de Sherbrooke

Dr. Laforest-Lapointe presents her work on plant and human microbial ecology, with a focus on spatial dynamics and microbiome assembly in early life. The One Health Microbiome Center at Penn State…

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From  Nichole Ginnan 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Customizing Dock and Organizing Apps

This tutorial shows you how to customize the dock of your iPad, as well as how to organize your apps into folders.

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From  Danielle Malone 0 likes 14 plays 0  

Storage: Working Collaboratively with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace at Penn State

Recorded 6/25/2021. May not reflect the most recent updates to Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. Participant Guide (Resources) google.psu.eduWorking Collaboratively with Microsoft…

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From  ITLD 0 likes 46 plays 0  

Log In and Access: Working Collaboratively with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace at Penn State

Recorded 6/25/2021. May not reflect the most recent updates to Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace.Participant Guide (Resources) google.psu.eduWorking Collaboratively with Microsoft…

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From  ITLD 0 likes 90 plays 0