Search for tag: "pt"

CCID FA23: AI-Powered Tools in Education: Creating Course Content and Empowering Students

Discover how faculty can leverage AI-powered tools and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to create engaging, effective course content and provide students with the knowledge and skills to harness the…

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From  Jon Gunnell 0 likes 15 plays 0  

V5 CDA Oberservation

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From  Harriet Rokavec 0 likes 1,121 plays 0  

(L2:5/5)[Lecture] Laplace Transform: s-Shifting

How we simplify Laplace Transform when there is a factor exp(at); Examples: exp(at)cos(wt), exp(at); Kreyszig P208-209

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From  Daning Huang 0 likes 211 plays 0