Search for tag: "reu"

Sink or Swim: The Need to Adapt to Climate Change

Name: Katherine Eimer Campus Affiliation: Penn State Harrisburg Major: Civil Engineering, Environmental concentration Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2026 Advisors: Shirley Clark (Harrisburg),…

From  Katherine Eimer 1 likes 47 plays 1  

Improved Testing Practices for Wing Designs of an Ornithopter

Co-Contributors: Ze Feng Gan and Dr. Rungun Nathan Modern aircraft are designed with maximum efficiency in mind, and over the past four decades major advancements in air travel have been used to…

From  Ahmed Hashish 1 likes 19 plays 0  

Fluid Transport in Earth's Mantle: Insights into the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (MC REU 2022)

*CAPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE!*The organic and inorganic cycling of volatiles both drive and reflect plate tectonics, the paradigm whereby Earth’s outer brittle shell is made of rigid units that…

From  Emma Stolinas 0 likes 17 plays 0  

A Study on the Feasibility of Bike Share Systems and Neighborhood Accessibility of the PSU Harrisburg Community

Bikeshare is a sustainable mode of transportation that has become more prevalent and more significant in cities as the effects of climate change are being felt. The Greater Harrisburg Tri-County…

From  Catherine M Suria 1 likes 71 plays 1  

Mineralogical Characterization of Lithospheric Mantle Xenoliths from Katwe-Kikorongo, Uganda

*Captions are available!*Plate tectonics has shaped the face of the Earth throughout its history. Continental rifting and assembly drive the formation of oceans and the configuration of continents on…

From  Emma Stolinas 0 likes 34 plays 0