Dr. Greg Smits sums up the course.
Dr. Gregg Smits discusses Paganism and plays an old folk song.
"Dr. Gregg Smits discusses religion in China and how these traditions have not only influenced chinese culture, but have also impacted other Asian cultures."
Brief overview and introduction to Religion and Science tracing the similar and divergent paths science and religion have traveled. Sources of confusion over time are highlighted.
"A bief summary of the topics covered in this course. In this final video, Dr. Smits recounts the the topics we have been studying in terms of commonalities across this academic…
Breif overview and introduction to the lesson on Islam. Dr. Smits reviews the core beliefs of Islam and discusses the religious and political authority struggles that underpin the Shia/Sunni conflict
"Kwok-Leong Tang, discusses the relevance of Daoism in todays world and the religion's connection to the martial arts."
An interview with Phil Jenkins on Later Christianity. The conversation walks us through several seminal points as Christianity has developed over time.
"Breif overview and introduction to Doaism that considers how it differs from Hinduism, and Daoism's transformation from being predicated in the rhythyms of nature to a popular…
"Brief overview and introduction to Later Christianity, emphasizing the key events in it's development. Various themes are traced and then linked back to their Jewish roots."
"Brief overview and introduction to the lesson on Early Christianity, tracing its early Christian roots in Judaism in the Roman Empire to its emergence as a recognized religion."
"Brief introduction and overview to on Judaism introducing the section on Abrahamic religions. This lesson focuses on Judiasm and the historical roots of Rabinic Judiasm, connecting it to…
"Breif overview and introduction to Paganism that investigates the term 'Paganism', and considers the evolution of Paganism in the historical geo-political context of Greece and…
"An interview with Dr. Michael Kulikowski defining Paganism in a historical context, in terms of mono-theism, and in terms of Greco-Roman Practice."
"Brief overview and introduction to Japanese Religions as an interesting case of religious blending. Using Buddhism as the key to understanding Japanese religious culture, he traces the the…
Lesson 6: An interview with Courtney Fu on Conuscianism discussing the primary texts of Confuciansim and the fundamental moral values that underpin this religion.