Search for tag: "rna"

The Future of Early Cancer Detection? | Jorge Soto | TED Talks

Along with a crew of technologists and scientists, Jorge Soto is developing a simple, noninvasive, open-source test that looks for early signs of multiple forms of cancer. Onstage at TEDGlobal 2014,…

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From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 36 plays 0  

CHEM 130 - Nucleic Acids

At 2:38 Professor Herring said DNA when he really meant RNA (correctly stated in closed captions)

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From  Adam Herring 0 likes 161 plays 0  

2020 OCT 02 Countering antibiotic resistance through second messenger signals

Yasha Duggal, Penn State

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From  Microbiome Center_admin 0 likes 4 plays