Recorded 08/25/2023. May not reflect the most recent updates to SIMBA.
Recorded 10/13/2022. May not reflect the most recent updates to SIMBA. Zoom Recording ID: 7249711240
UUID: rZIxils4Ta+hFrbw709Lyg==
Meeting Time: 2022-10-13 03:50:37pm
Zoom Recording
Recorded 9/1/2022. May not reflect the most recent updates to SIMBA. Zoom Recording ID: 7249711240
UUID: Z02ujRTtQl2ft+I+JUY2Mw==
Meeting Time: 2022-09-01 05:10:36pm
A reflection of the last 12 months (July 2020 - June 2021) and what is next.
Spotlight Topic: July 1 Transition from the Project Phase to Sustainment Organization SIMBA Sessions are a live webinar where SIMBA team members will provide updates and answer your SIMBA-related…
This demonstration will show the purchase of two items known to be available from a previous recent search of PSU Contracts. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed…
This demonstration provides basic and complex
free-text item purchasing using the standard shopping cart function and
screens. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and…
This demonstration will show you the purchase of three items known to be available from a pervious search of Lion Marketplace. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed…
This demonstration will show you how to search Lion Marketplace and PSU Contracts for the availability of goods and services you desire to purchase. Please Note: There is audio narration for the…
This video demonstrates how to search for knowledge base articles within Service Now.
This demonstration will show you how to cancel a goods confirmation in Shop OnLion. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed captioning is available. The design and…
This demonstration will show you how to create a goods confirmation in Shop OnLion. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed captioning is available. The design and…
This demonstration will show you how to set-up your default
delivery address. Setting your delivery address for shopping carts is important
because you want to make sure that actually you receive…