49:55duration 49 minutes 55 seconds
BA 342 Week 16.1 FA23
Zoom Recording ID: 99570279225 UUID: T0z7N3KTSCuIk8nGzs04NQ== Meeting Time: 2023-11-29 04:16:47pmGMT
59:51duration 59 minutes 51 seconds
BA 342 Week 11.1 FA23
Zoom Recording ID: 94407580864 UUID: Iq3Uu2vyQSuypbmzajKIPQ== Meeting Time: 2023-10-25 02:11:00pmGMT
01:32:14duration 1 hour 32 minutes
BA 342: Week 12.1 - Corporate Social…
BA 342: Week 12.1 - Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholders
Zoom Recording ID: 99006405337 UUID: Oc4/n15DTjKwpo7iRdKy1w== Meeting Time: 2023-03-20 07:22:42pmGMT
04:46duration 4 minutes 46 seconds
L05a: Perspectives on Agile (IST 830)
05:17duration 5 minutes 17 seconds
02:38duration 2 minutes 38 seconds
How to Baseline a Project Scope
YouTube direct link: https://youtu.be/64bHiW6K77c Learn how to develop baselines for scoping your projects. Try our award-winning PM software for free:…
01:04duration 1 minute 4 seconds
MANGT 510 Strategic Management and Project…
MANGT 510 Strategic Management and Project Selection
MANGT 510 Lesson 2 Strategic Management and Project Selection