Search for tag: "student employees"

Outstanding Student Employee Award Ceremony

The presentation of the University Libraries' Outstanding Student Employee Awards at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase.

From  Hailley Fargo 1 likes 36 plays 0  

Ally Mastrangelo - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Ally Mastrangelo, Mapping the Student Engagement Journey Undergraduate Research Assistant Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Samantha Tepper - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Samantha Tepper, Bednar Conservation Intern Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Ben Mitchell - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Ben Mitchell, Peer Research Consultant Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Naibin Chen - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Naibin Chen, Scholarly Communications Graduate Assistant Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Devin McDuffie - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Devin McDuffie, Bednar Global Partnerships Intern Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Hannah Fassbender - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Hannah Fassbender, Bednar Student Engagement & Outreach Intern at Berks Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 13 plays 0  

Mauvette Malizia - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Mauvette Malizia, Graduate Assistant for Accessibility Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 23 plays 0  

David Chen - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

David Chen, Bednar Statistical Assistant Intern Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Thomas Whalon - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Thomas Whalon, Maps Library Student Assistant Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 20 plays 0  

Maggie Welch - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Maggie Welch, Stelts & Filippelli Intern in Rare Books and Manuscripts & Historical Collections and Labor Archives Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee…

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Marianne Black - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Marianne Black, Pennslyvania Center for the Book GIS Bednar Intern Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Huaibin Zhang - Student Employee Showcase Presentation

Huaibin Zhang, Graduate Assistant for Digital Badges Presenting at the Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 19 plays 0  

University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase Spring 2020 -- Introduction & Lily Murray

The Spring 2020 University Libraries' Student Employee Showcase. This video is the introduction to the event and the first student presenter, Lily Murray. Lily is the Student Engagement &…

From  Hailley Fargo 0 likes 17 plays 0