This workshop covers the basics of what you need to start podcasting, what's available through our institution to help, and how to start planning your podcasting project.
Zoom Recording
Zoom Recording ID: 99550899773
UUID: g0AMl389Qs6mg3PjsvK2CQ==
Meeting Time: 2022-12-08 04:37:54pmGMT
Direct YouTube source link: https://youtu.be/lKruVedh9wU Lip Reading challenge! Made a lip reading challenge for those who want to get a little bit of an experience what it is like to lip read.
This video will walk you through how to publish your course recordings in the Course Media Gallery if they fail to process in Kaltura. The process includes downloading the recording from Zoom, and…
Ben Goldman and Tim Babcock present on the Special Collections Library at the University Libraries' Digital Curation Community of Practice kickoff on 21 September 2021.
Web Conference Recording
Zoom Recording
This tutorial will show you how to use the functions of the Kaltura Screen Recorder tool to capture and record your presentation, collaborate with others, make edits to the video, and publish to a…