01:50duration 1 minute 50 seconds
What is Precision Medicine?
Precision medicine aims to collect, connect, and apply vast amounts of data and information about our health to help guide more precise and predictive medicine worldwide. Learn more at…
11:38duration 11 minutes 38 seconds
14.3.2 How is HIT Used in the Treatment of…
14.3.2 How is HIT Used in the Treatment of Patients? Part 2
10:23duration 10 minutes 23 seconds
13.4 Why is Protecting Privacy + Security of PHI…
13.4 Why is Protecting Privacy + Security of PHI So Important?
15:44duration 15 minutes 44 seconds
13.2 What is the HIPAA Privacy Rule?
02:12duration 2 minutes 12 seconds
13.1 HIT Policy HIPAA Meaningful Use (MU)
17:26duration 17 minutes 26 seconds
8.5: How do we ideate using Gamification?
07:51duration 7 minutes 51 seconds
4.1: Assistive Technologies
01:15duration 1 minute 15 seconds
3.5: How can we share mHealth data?
05:59duration 5 minutes 59 seconds
2.1: Personal Health Records
06:55duration 6 minutes 55 seconds
ACCTG 802 Module 3: Dividends Received Deduction
00:48duration 48 seconds
FIN 430 Estate Tax 1