Search for tag: "mushroom"

Disturbance Histories Structure the Microbiome's Role in Coral Success | Alex Vompe, PhD, Penn State

Dr. Alex Vompe talks about their Oregon State University PhD dissertation work focused on how the microbiome microbiome is impacted by major heat wave events, nutrients, and predation. Additionally,…

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From  Nichole Ginnan 0 likes 1 plays 0  

The influence of Pseudomonas on the Agaricus bisporus fruiting body microbiome and the initiation of bacterial blotch disease

Max Aleman, a PhD candidate in Plant Pathology and Environmental Microbiology, shares a current research project on the metagenome in mushroom blotch disease. Penn State’s Microbiome Center…

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From  Microbiome Center_admin 0 likes 3 plays 0  

2022 APR 01 Characterizing the molecular response of Agaricus bisporus to mushroom virus X infection

Eoin O'Connor, Penn State

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From  Microbiome Center_admin 0 likes 11 plays

2019 SEPT 20 Know your enemy before you go to war: a story of bacterial blotch of mushroom

Samuel Martins, Penn State

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From  Microbiome Center_admin 0 likes 18 plays