Are you looking for new ways to create meaningful learning experiences? Join us to hear how experts from across the commonwealth campuses are using innovative real-world strategies to engage and…
Direct YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/6V5ho11BgTo Dr. Joyce Lee discusses how she applies design thinking in her work as a doctor, and how other doctors can benefit from such a manner of thinking.…
The ID2ID Kickoff Meeting that took place at the Penn State Learning Design Summer Camp on 7-18-22
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Lauren Cooper presents on the Center for Black Digital Research at the University Libraries' Digital Curation Community of Practice kickoff on 21 September 2021.
Web Conference Recording
Zoom Recording
http://www.nationalacademies.org/hmd/Activities/PublicHealth/Culture-of-Health/2016-APRIL-27/Videos/Welcome%20and%20Panel%201/3-Wallerstein-Video.aspx Nina Wallerstein, Director, Center for…