Zoom Recording ID: 94238576653
UUID: q94YHB5dS0ugogllZ4HA/Q==
Meeting Time: 2023-09-27 07:34:51pmGMT
Using virtual reality (VR) in the classroom can be engaging and effective for student learning, and the preparation can be easier than expected! Join Stefani and Joie to learn about their experiences…
Zoom Recording ID: 5572320891
Meeting Time: 2023-08-02 02:06:31pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 2151059225
UUID: P+K6iE7wSx6Dz+UrN89s7g==
Meeting Time: 2023-05-25 04:41:58amGMT
Recorded 5/1/2023. May not reflect the most recent updates to Kaltura. This demonstration session is intended for faculty, instructional staff, and teaching assistants wanting to innovate teaching…
Recorded 4/18/2023. May not reflect the most recent updates to Kaltura. This demonstration session is intended for faculty wanting to explore Kaltura’s key features and capabilities, including…
Zoom Recording ID: 95634515827
UUID: ggSOjz0fT96bk0VbIAPhag==
Meeting Time: 2023-02-16 03:05:07pmGMT
Week 2 intro and overview - Spring 2023
A quick overview of IST 210 Spring 2023
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Direct YouTube link: https://youtu.be/YQ2Wi3Jh3X0
EHR's suck. Let's make 'em better.
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