Search for tag: "capstone"

Faculty to Faculty: What Works in Remote Teaching? [Women's Studies]

Faculty to Faculty is a video series created as a collaboration between The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence and Penn State faculty. In these short videos, we asked faculty to share their…

From  Mona Alqahtani 0 likes 203 plays 0  

Bell Tail Rotor Proximity Warning System

Bell Capstone Project Spring 2020

From  Thomson Sauer 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Data Extraction from Medical Flowcharts_Elsevier

Flowcharts in medical books and research paper contain key information. Distilling this information into a computer-readable form (a directed knowledge graph) can give Elsevier the ability to…

From  Jiahua Ma 1 likes 20 plays 0  

Ford - Lincoln Aviator Center Console Latch Redesign

Capstone submission video summarizing the work completed by the Ford 3 team for the spring 2020 semester.

From  Maximillian Moran 0 likes 104 plays 0  

Ford - Nature in Automobiles

Ford Motor Company has requested the addition of aspects of nature into the interior of an automobile. The purpose of this project is to provide comfort to the user through a sanctuary…

From  Ziqiang Cui 3 likes 224 plays 0  

3D Printed Incision Guide for Spine Surgery - Hershey Medical Center (Radiology)

Currently, when spine surgeons operate on a patient’s spine in the operating room, they use surface landmarks and X-rays to determine the correct level. The use of X-ray for spinal…

From  Kiersten Bradnam 2 likes 262 plays 0  

Redesign of Rolling Cane to Assist Independent Living - Dr. Spencer Szczesny

Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of nonfatal trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults resulting in $50 billion in healthcare costs per year. In…

From  Madison Emanski 3 likes 211 plays 0