Search for tag: "humans"

New Concepts for Defining and Characterizing the Bovine Microactome | Tim McAllister, PhD

Dr Tim McAllister, Principal Research Scientist at Agriculture and Agi-Food Canada talked about his comprehensive tracking of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes across systems, risk assessment, and…

From  Nichole Ginnan 0 likes 0 plays 0  

Meet Pepper the Health Robot

Direct YouTube video source link: Originally published at -

From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 69 plays 0  

L10: Future Developments (IST 555)

From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Meet the World's Most Connected Man

Youtube link: June 5 (Bloomberg) --- Chris Dancy refers to himself as "the most connected human on Earth." On any given day, he has between 300-700 sensors,…

From  IST Learning Design 0 likes 130 plays 0  

The Therapeutic Potential of Tumor-Targeting Bacteria | David Bermudes, Ph.D.

Dr. David Bermudes joins the Microbiome Center Seminar Series from California State University Northridge, to discuss the history and future of tumor targeting bacteria. Penn State’s…

From  Microbiome Center_admin 0 likes 5 plays 0  

EarthTalks 2021-10-11: Alejandra Domic

Zoom Recording ID: 767635597 UUID: ja4U4w3PRu6WKxeMvyeixg== Meeting Time: 2021-10-11 11:33:50pm

From  Patryk Soika 0 likes 12 plays 0  

2019 DEC 13 From Neanderthals to artic ice: what ancient microbial communities can tell us

Laura Weyrich, Penn State

From  Microbiome Center_admin 0 likes 3 plays

MANGT 510 Lesson 0 Introduction

MANGT 510 Introduction

From  CEI Group 0 likes 193 plays 0  

PPEM 454 Asifa Hameed

From  Matt Black 0 likes 34 plays