Search for tag: "procurement"

Strategic Procurement and Purchasing (OV-SPP-9) Program (1/23-1/25)

Zoom Recording ID: 91454562454 UUID: lqmvwZNmSDKnLyFd81Fivw== Meeting Time: 2024-01-23 04:38:37pmGMT

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From  Tara Strahan 0 likes 3 plays 0  

SIMBA: Creating a Goods Confirmation

Recorded 08/25/2023. May not reflect the most recent updates to SIMBA.

+19 More
From  Wally Zapotoczny 0 likes 36 plays 0  

SIMBA: Logging in and Setting Your Default Delivery Address

Recorded 10/13/2022. May not reflect the most recent updates to SIMBA. Zoom Recording ID: 7249711240 UUID: rZIxils4Ta+hFrbw709Lyg== Meeting Time: 2022-10-13 03:50:37pm

+5 More
From  Jeffrey Badger 0 likes 474 plays 0  

SIMBA Short: Shopping from Standard PSU Contracts

This demonstration will show the purchase of two items known to be available from a previous recent search of PSU Contracts. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed…

+5 More
From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 169 plays

SIMBA Short: Creating a Standard Free Text Shopping Cart

This demonstration provides basic and complex free-text item purchasing using the standard shopping cart function and screens. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and…

+5 More
From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 317 plays

SIMBA Short: Shopping from Lion Marketplace

This demonstration will show you the purchase of three items known to be available from a pervious search of Lion Marketplace. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed…

+4 More
From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 728 plays

SIMBA Short: Searching Lion Marketplace and PSU Contracts

This demonstration will show you how to search Lion Marketplace and PSU Contracts for the availability of goods and services you desire to purchase. Please Note: There is audio narration for the…

From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 403 plays

SIMBA Short: Cancel a Goods Confirmation

This demonstration will show you how to cancel a goods confirmation in Shop OnLion. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed captioning is available. The design and…

From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 158 plays

SIMBA Short: Create Goods Confirmation

This demonstration will show you how to create a goods confirmation in Shop OnLion. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and closed captioning is available. The design and…

+4 More
From  Amanda Pastore 1 likes 753 plays

SIMBA Short: Personal Settings - Set-up Default Delivery Address

This demonstration will show you how to set-up your default delivery address. Setting your delivery address for shopping carts is important because you want to make sure that actually you receive…

From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 814 plays

SIMBA Short: Finding Your Cart and Displaying the Approval Process

Successfully ordering a shopping cart initiates the approval process. But locating the carts you have ordered can be puzzling until you know where to look. This demonstration will show you how to…

From  Carly Smith 0 likes 375 plays

November 13, 2020 SIMBA Session

Spotlight Topic: Potpourri Join Debbie Meder for our SIMBA Session, a continuing series of live webinars to provide updates and information about the SIMBA project and answer your project-related…

From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 187 plays

SIMBA Short: Resolving Rejected Shopping Carts

This demonstration will show you how to identify, locate, and resolve rejected shopping carts that did not make it through approval. Please Note: There is audio narration for the demonstration and…

+5 More
From  Carly Smith 0 likes 304 plays

SIMBA Short: Using Quick Criteria Maintenance

This demonstration will show you how to use SIMBA’s Active Queries screen to find specific shopping carts from those you have created on the system. Please Note: There is audio narration for…

+4 More
From  Carly Smith 0 likes 107 plays

MANGT 510 Commercial Laws and Procurement Management

MANGT 510 Lesson 7 Commercial Laws and Procurement

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From  CEI Group 0 likes 119 plays 0  

MANGT 510 Lesson 0 Introduction

MANGT 510 Introduction

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From  CEI Group 0 likes 193 plays 0