Search for tag: "project"

Fluid Transport in Earth's Mantle: Insights into the Search for Extraterrestrial Life (MC REU 2022)

*CAPTIONS ARE AVAILABLE!*The organic and inorganic cycling of volatiles both drive and reflect plate tectonics, the paradigm whereby Earth’s outer brittle shell is made of rigid units that…

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From  Emma Stolinas 0 likes 17 plays 0  

Mineralogical Characterization of Lithospheric Mantle Xenoliths from Katwe-Kikorongo, Uganda

*Captions are available!*Plate tectonics has shaped the face of the Earth throughout its history. Continental rifting and assembly drive the formation of oceans and the configuration of continents on…

+24 More
From  Emma Stolinas 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Final Review (b)

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From  Chulapol Thanomsing 0 likes 43 plays 0  

Final Review (a)

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From  Chulapol Thanomsing 0 likes 42 plays 0  

July 20, 2018 SIMBA Session

Spotlight Topic: Project Methodology Join Debbie Meder for our SIMBA Session, a continuing series of live webinars to provide updates and information about the SIMBA project and answer your…

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From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 18 plays

Ford - Nature in Automobiles

Ford Motor Company has requested the addition of aspects of nature into the interior of an automobile. The purpose of this project is to provide comfort to the user through a sanctuary…

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From  Ziqiang Cui 3 likes 224 plays 0  

Redesign of Rolling Cane to Assist Independent Living - Dr. Spencer Szczesny

Falls are the leading cause of fatal injury and the most common cause of nonfatal trauma-related hospital admissions among older adults resulting in $50 billion in healthcare costs per year. In…

+9 More
From  Madison Emanski 3 likes 212 plays 0  

November 15, 2019 SIMBA Session

Spotlight Topic: General Project Updates Join Debbie Meder for our SIMBA Session, a continuing series of live webinars to provide updates and information about the SIMBA project and answer your…

+2 More
From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 9 plays

October 11, 2019 SIMBA Session

Spotlight Topic: Project Management Join Debbie Meder for our SIMBA Session, a continuing series of live webinars to provide updates and information about the SIMBA project and answer your…

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From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 7 plays

Project Management Session 01-29-18.mp4

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From  Brett Alan Bixler 0 likes 3 plays 0  

August 24, 2018 SIMBA Session

Spotlight Topic: Project Sponsors Join Debbie Meder for our SIMBA Session, a continuing series of live webinars to provide updates and information about the SIMBA project and answer your…

+2 More
From  Amanda Pastore 0 likes 11 plays