27:26duration 27 minutes 26 seconds
15 Course Wrap Up + Recommended Resources
01:10duration 1 minute 10 seconds
14 .1 HIT for Diagnosis + Treatment
07:05duration 7 minutes 5 seconds
12.4: HIT Benefits + Concerns, part 1
01:51duration 1 minute 51 seconds
12.2 Why is There a Push for EHRs Now?
21:30duration 21 minutes 30 seconds
12.3 What do Current HIT Systems Look Like?
02:40duration 2 minutes 40 seconds
1.7: What Does the Future of HIT Look Like?
03:19duration 3 minutes 19 seconds
1.4: What are the Barriers to HIT Adoption?
03:01duration 3 minutes 1 second
1.3: What are the Benefits of HIT?
05:11duration 5 minutes 11 seconds
1.2: How is HIT Used by Individuals and…
1.2: How is HIT Used by Individuals and Organizations?
05:33duration 5 minutes 33 seconds
Jana Goodrich: Career Tips